Fragment of the lecture by artist and essayist Joan Fontcuberta coinciding with “Photography 2.0” exhibition in Madrid, included in the official section of PhotoEspaña 2014 Photography Festival.
Web video capture
See full Lecture video in two parts at and 11:25:562014-07-01 11:31:45Joan Fontcuberta talks about Ref.1048
Another test using Google Street View to do a timelapse video with still images.
What happens when a Google Street View car spots another Google Street View Car? This is a google family video 07:28:532013-04-16 07:31:36Google by Google
I’m lately doing tests with different ways of using online images. This is a timelapse video using screen captured Google Street View images. 18:18:352013-03-26 18:24:39Following the Joker
Video selected for SlideLuck PotShow Barcelona VII and showed at Patí Llimona in Barcelona on March 14, 2013. 16:30:082013-03-18 16:32:28SlideLuck PotShow Barcelona VII
Just starting a new Instagram Compilations series, named Photography is Over, presented this time as short videos with music. First one is named Requiem Eterna. 14:18:182013-02-26 14:24:47Photography is Over
This last months Jordi V. Pou has been directing a project named “Contemporary art in Hospital”. This project is collaboration between La Panera Art Center and Arnau de Vilanova Hospital, both in Lleida, in a European funded program aiming to bring art projects to hospitals.
Jordi was asked to propose and run an art project inside the Hospital. According to the type of work he is doing lately the decision was to run a project using smartphones and photography. A set of smartphones was made available for anytime use to a group of people inside the hospital, including patients, families, doctors, and hospital workers. All of them have been using the smartphone to explain by images what is their daily experience in the hospital.
With a total of 13 participants and more than 250 images the results from a total of eight weeks project is now online at
The project was presented in a press conference yesterday. There has been a wide coverage by press and tv. As example see how Segre newspaper covers it in this pdf.
TV3. TV News.
TV Lleida. TV News. 17:32:442012-06-12 17:46:35Contemporary Art in Hospital
This video was recorded a month ago during Kokovoko exhibition. It was recorded and edited by a group of students from a high school in Lleida as a course project.
Thank you Miriam, Marta, Jeny and Aitor for this video.
Yesterday a news report about exhibition was included in Notícies Migdia by TV Lleida. Including images from the exhibition and some words by Jordi V. Pou. 11:21:272012-05-09 11:23:07Kokovoko exhibition in TV News (TV Lleida)
Video edited by Waita TV for IEI about Jordi V. Pou’s last Tuesday conference about photography and new technologies, entitled ”Photography is dead, long live photography!“
This lecture was included in the “Sant Jordi 2012” activities by the Intitut d’Estudis Ilerdencs of Lleida, which is already holding Jordi V. Pou exhibition at the moment. 17:29:222012-04-27 17:41:16Video report from Jordi V. Pou Lecture
Video of the exhibition KOKOVOKO.INFO by Jordi V. Pou actually open in the Gothic Hall of the Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs of Lleida, from March 8 to May 13, 2012.
This video, produced by Evill Video Productions for IEI, includes first an interview with Jordi V. Pou explaining the project and the exhibition, a tour around the exhibition, and also images of the opening night including the speeches by the IEI Director Josep Maria Solé Sabaté and photographer Jordi V. Pou. 14:46:232012-04-17 Exhibition Official Video