A new about about photography and the family album has just been published by Diputación de Huesca and La Oficina Editores. Book editor is Pedro Vicente and includes articles by diverse authors. One of them is Jordi V. Pou with an article about Family Album 2.0 and the Smartphone Era.

ÁLBUM DE FAMILIA, (re)presentación, (re)creación e (in)materialidad de las fotografías familiares Editado por Diputación Provincial de Huesca y La Oficina.
Dirección editorial: Pedro Vicente. – David Almazán | Nuria Enguita | Joan Fontcuberta | Isabel García | Edgar Gómez | Joana Hurtado | Annette Kuhn | Martha Langford | Alexandra Laudo | Kamal Munir | Jordi V. Pou | Daniel Palmer | Gustavo Puerta | Armando Silva | Carmelo Vega | Pedro Vicente