“Descoberta de la Lleida Sensual” Exhibition

Jordi V. Pou has been invited to show his work in a new exhibition. Exhibition is on “Espai Cavallers” art gallery in Lleida and will be open from May 16 til 30 June 2011.


Artist included are Javier Mariscal, Víctor P. Pallarés, Benjamí Tous, Mercè Humedas, Pau Humedas, Perico Pastor, Jordi V. Pou, Didier Lourenço, Joaquim Ureña, Xavier Goñi, Borlänsa and Albert Coma Estadella.




Text from Gallery


With this exhibition the gallery wants to display the sensous of a city, Lleida, from the view and perception of each participating artist. Eyes thatreveal a city subtle, sensuous, sinuous, hidden. Fragments of architecture, a provocative detail, revealing places, indoors and outdoors, anything goes. You can give to Lleida many adjectives and most will do well:  traditional,  modern, current, ordered,  closed, combative, sensible,  pop,  hazy,  warm,  caring,  hospitable land, … the list can be endless …. There is also an invisible Lleida, a city unknown and perhaps we can discover through the pieces presented and worked from the gaze, perception and the senses of these great artists.